exercises best for beginners

8 Best Exercises to Choose from for Beginners that Work Biceps with Weightlifting

Are you looking for the best exercises for the biceps as a beginner?

Working the biceps is one of the best ways to strengthen the arms and build size, improves forearm grip and strength, is great for building bicep peak, and helps with fulfilling daily tasks. Many basic exercises work the biceps. Also, there are many variations of biceps exercises to choose from to fit your workout routine.

So, what are some of the best exercises for beginners that work?

Here are 8 exercises to choose from to fit into your routine.

1.Barbell Bicep curls

exercises best for beginners. Barbell Bicep curls.

Barbell biceps curls are great exercise for working the biceps and can change the grip on the barbell to work the short head or long head of the bicep more. All you need to perform the exercise is a barbell and weight plates, an easy bar, or a straight bar to perform the exercise.


  • Isolation movement.
  • You can do it with a barbell and weight plates easy curl bar, or a straight bar. 
  • Builds bicep size and strength.
  • Target biceps.

Video Tutorial

2. Concentration Curls

exercises best for beginners. Concentration Curls

Concentration curls are an isolated movement that helps work the bicep peak and helps focus only on the biceps without using the whole body to get the weight up. And all you need is a bench or chair and a dumbbell.


  • Isolation movement.
  • You can do it with a bench or chair and dumbbell.
  • Builds bicep size and strength.
  • Target bicep peak.

Video Tutorial

3.Dumbbell Bicep Curl

exercises best for beginners. Dumbbell Bicep Curl

The dumbbell bicep curl is an excellent exercise that works your biceps with just a pair of dumbbells. This exercise is just like the barbell curl but just with dumbbells.


  • Isolation movement.
  • Only need a pair of dumbbells to perform.
  • Builds bicep size and strength.
  • Target biceps.

Video Tutorial

4.Incline Dumbbell Curl

It is a more advanced version of the bicep curl that targets the peak of your biceps, requiring an adjustable bench and a pair of dumbbells.


  • Isolation movement. 
  • Only need an adjustable bench and a pair of dumbbells to perform.
  • Builds bicep size and strength.
  • Target bicep peak.

Video Tutorial

5.Spider curl

Spider curls are another excellent exercise to help focus on the biceps that can be a good finisher for a bicep workout.


  • Isolated movement.
  • Only need an adjustable bench and a pair of dumbells to perform.
  • Builds bicep size and strength.
  • Targets Biceps. 

Video Tutorial

6.Single Dumbbell Bicep Curl

The Dumbbell weight curl is another excellent exercise if you want to work the peak of your biceps with just one dumbbell and add extra volume to bicep training.


  • Isolated movement.
  • Only dumbbell needed.
  • Builds bicep size and strength.
  • Target bicep peak.

Video Tutorial

7.Hammer Curls

exercises best for beginners. hammer curls

The dumbbell hammer curls work the biceps, but the focus is mainly on the brachialis and brachioradialisthe muscles in the arm and forearm. But paired with an exercise like a dumbbell curl can help build overall big arms.  


  • Isolated movement.
  • Can be done with dumbbells.
  • Builds bicep size and strength. 
  • Works biceps but mainly focuses on brachialis and brachioradialis muscles in the arm and forearm.

Video Tutorial

8.Crossbody Hammer Curl

This variation of the hammer curl works on the bicep peak, and just like hammer curls, you only need a pair of dumbells to perform.


  • Isolated movement.
  • Can be done with dumbbells.
  • Builds bicep size and strength.
  • Target bicep peak.

Video Tutorial


Here are the 8 best exercises you can choose from for beginners to have in your routine. Now that you have these exercises, you can figure out what exercise best works for your routine. And choosing a couple or a few of these exercises at a time is enough. But make sure to do proper form like in videos and do sets and reps. What exercises are you going to do?